Ark of the Covenant


Archaeologists have unearthed many items related to the Bible that we never knew still existed. Based on that, it's possible the Ark could still be uncovered in a dig somewhere.

However, the question you meant to ask, I think, is: "Do we have enough information to hunt down and find the Ark?" And the answer is simply No, we do not. We don't have even the country name or how it got "lost."


It is believed that the Babylonians took the Ark during their conquest of Isreal. This belief is also disputed by those who believe it was hidden by the Jews so that it would not be carried off, but that no one knows where the Jews hid it. There is no (historical and factual) written information about where the ark went after the Babylonian conquest, and nobody has it in their possession, so it is "lost", or hidden. It has not been found by man, and we do not even know if it even still exists.

As for whether or not it is possible to find the Ark, it will be possible to find it until there is sufficient historical evidence to show beyond a shadow of a doubt that it no longer exists. However, the possibility becomes slimmer and slimmer the more people search for it and fail to find it.

If you are asking why God would have the ark remain hidden or be destroyed, mere men can only speculate. You will never have a definite answer to this question while you live on Earth, unless God decides, for some reason, to speak directly with you about this scenario.

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