How do we know the events described in the bible are true?


I'll post an answer to one aspect of your question "How do we know that the Bible hasn't changed since it was written?"

It all boils down to manuscripts.

The number and age of the manuscripts that we have shows that nothing of significance has changed since the earliest Christian times.

Here is a list of some of the earliest manuscripts. For reference on this site:

Author  Date Written            Earliest Copy   Time Span   Copies (extent)
Magdalene Ms (Matthew 26)       1st century     50-60 AD    co-existant (?)  
John Rylands (John)             90 AD           130 AD      40 years     
Bodmer Papyrus II (John)        90 AD           150-200 AD  60-110 years     
Chester Beatty Papyri (N.T.)    1st century     200 AD      150 years    
Diatessaron by Tatian (Gospels) 1st century     200 AD      150 years    
Codex Vaticanus (Bible)         1st century     325-350 AD  275-300 years    
Codex Sinaiticus (Bible)        1st century     350 AD      300 years    
Codex Alexandrinus (Bible)      1st century     400 AD      350 years    

Through these (and many other) manuscripts, we have been able to show that the Bible of today has not been altered at since its earliest manifestation.

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