Italian Version of St. Maxilmian Kolbe writings


I would reccommend that you contact the National Shrine of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, if you are in the US, as they could most likely help you.

I have emailed them in the past at [email protected] with questions. They have always been very helpful with either getting me the answers I seek, or sending me to someone else who will know the answer.

If you obtain printed versions, and digital ones don't exist yet on the internet, maybe you could be so kind as to offer to create them from your copy! I have found that entering into a deal where I get the paper format and generate digital editions has allowed me to get copies of books I otherwise wouldn't have been able to afford, and I have provided a good deed for all the other people out there looking for the same material. (This is especially true when looking for translations of works that don't have mass-market appeal, but would be greatly appreciated by a small, dedicated following)


I can't help you with the digital version; the closest things seem to be the selections of texts that can be found in some websites (for example, visit the site of the Missionarie dell'Immacolata).

However, you might find some hard copies in specialized bookstores like this one, which defines its availability as "usually available for shipping in 2 weeks" ("normalmente disponibile per la spedizione in 2 settimane").

God bless you as well.

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