Regarding mindfulness during practice


This stage is vicikicchā with uddhacca (doubt and indecision), it is not mindfulness.

Most of buddhist meditations can practiced by thinking of meditation's clear object. Except the eighth jhāna, nevasaññānāsaññāyatana-jhāna, because this jhāna has the strongest mind's power to focus on unclear object. But just object is unclear, the thinking of practitioner still clearly appear.

To resolve this problem, doubt and indecision, you must decide "I forgot my meditation object", then move your focus on meditation object, again. For the example, if you meditating ānāpānassati, go back to focus your breath.


This stage is basic but proper mindfulness, which is to be constantly maintained. The suttas say:

...that bhikkhu is considered one who lives constantly contemplating... strives to burn up defile­ments, comprehends readily and is mindful in order to abandon all liking and disliking toward the world.

Anapanasati Sutta

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