What are the alternative titles of Thayodhamma Sutta, it's reference number, subsections where it appear in?


Accepted answer

Thayodhamma sutta (Abandon three things at a time). The Discourse on the Three Things (Regarding Incapability)

To abandon… 1. Birth; 2. Old age; 3. Death

You have to abandon… 1. Greed (passion); 2. Hatred; 3. Delusion

To abandon the above three you have to abandon… 1. Personality view; 2. Doubt; 3. Rituals and observances.

To abandon the above three you have to abandon… 1. Drowsiness of the mind; 2. Following the wrong path; 3. Unwise attention

To abandon the above three you have to abandon… 1. Unmindfulness (wrong mindfulness); 2. Unawareness; 3. Mental distraction.

To abandon the above three you have to abandon… 1. Dislike to see the noble ones; 2. Dislike to hear the noble teachings; 3. Fault-finding mind;

To abandon the above three you have to abandon… 1. Conceit; 2. Unrestraint; 3. Immorality

To abandon the above three you have to abandon…. 1. Lack of confidence; 2. Dislike to listen to others; 3. Laziness

To abandon the above three you have to abandon… 1. Unfriendliness; 2. Disobedience; 3. Bad Friends (Asathpurisa Sevanaya)

To abandon the above three you have to abandon… 1. Shamelessness; 2. Fearlessness; 3. Non-diligence.

A Sotāpanna (Pali) or "He who entered(āpanna) the stream(sota)." ‘stream” is a metaphor for the third of the Four Noble Truths, Noble Eightfold Path. A stream which rigidly flows will not stop until it enters the sea. A Sotapanna has completely entered in to the Eight fold Noble Dhamma Path(Has gained the first magga-phala). So he will surely achieve Arhathood within seven births that are born in human and heavenly happy realms and his spiritual development will not descend.


Sotapanna is a person who has eliminated the first three bondages (sanyojanas) from the mind.

Those are,

  1. Strong ego or Personality view(sakkaya dhitti)
  2. Doubt(Wichikiccha)
  3. Wrong rituals and observances/ Superstitions(Seelabbatha paramasa)

Thayodhamma sutta(Abandon three things at a time) explains the skills that should be developed to achieve this supreme task.

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