Electric blood, electric breathe, electric ball and one beam


You started meditating. If you're having strange experiences, you're doing it right. The "truth" is coming into view and your ego is dying. When your ego is loosing control, he will do everything to gain that control back. Thus, your ego is giving you pleasant experiences. Your ego wants you to crave for these experiences. He wants you to play with them until your death. If you play with the experiences, you'll never see what's behind your ego, thus you'll never gain control of it, never see the "truth" and no liberation from suffering will follow in this life.

If these experiences are interesting to you and you crave for more, then explore the experiences you described, don't fight them or search them, if they arise just play with them. Sooner or later you'll reach a point where there will be nothing new to explore in these experiences. Nothing new to play with. When you reach this point, start asking yourself "Why these experiences arise? What's behind these experiences? What's the cause?". Explore your mind and search for the cause. You'll find the "truth" and liberation from suffering will follow.

If you're willing to let go of these experiences now, then let go of them. If they arise, just relax, empty your mind, do nothing, and let them cease without trying or wanting anything. When you'll reach a point where you'll be able to just observe your mind, without reacting, without craving, clinging or aversion arising in your mind, these experiences will stop. Then, you'll be able to explore your mind further and you'll find the "truth" and liberation from suffering will follow.

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