Is it bad karma if you are waiting for someone to die?


It is bad karma wishing someone to die.

AN2.13:1.6: ‘Bad conduct of body, speech, or mind has a bad, painful result in both this life and the next.’

Also see MN81, where Ghaṭīkāra does not go forth because he is taking care of his parents:

MN81:11.3: ‘Don’t you know, dear Jotipāla, that I look after my blind old parents?’


I was just wondering if it’s bad karma if you were just waiting for someone to die?

"Whatever, monks, a teacher ought to do out of compassion, for the profit of his disciples, that I have done, having compassion for you.

"Here monks, are the roots of trees! Here are lonely places! Meditate monks. Do not be slothful, have no subsequent regrets. Thus we charge you."

SN 35.145

If you do not have any unwholesome intentions (greed, hatred, or delusion) tied up in doing so, no unwholesome kamma should fruit. Despite that, in many other ways unwholesome kamma will fruit (unless you are enlightened) and so instead of spending your time waiting, meditate! :)

For example, let’s say you asked your parents for permission to become a monk but they declined so you decided to wait until they leave this world before ordaining. Is it bad karma if you do this?

"Do you have your parents' permission, Ratthapala, to go forth from the household life into homelessness?"

"No, lord, I haven't."

"Ratthapala, Tathagatas do not give the going-forth to anyone who doesn't have his parents' permission."

"Lord, I will do what needs to be done so that my parents will give their permission for me to go forth from the household life into homelessness."

MN 82

It is by tradition and respect that a lay person get their parents permission to ordain. I would suggest that you ask them in a very serious manner and list solid reasons for why you wish to ordain (and even show them your practice so they can understand your point of view better) and be persistent (some people take years convincing their parents!). I would recommend you read the entire sutta quoted above (you can find it by clicking here). Refer to my answer in the previous question for if such an action will produce unwholesome kamma.

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