Is it bad karma if you say something that turns out to be false?


Kamma forms when (1) there is intention, intention of ill will, intention of causing others to quarrel (2) you do it, you really speak in such (3) the result, the speak causing quarrel as it intended to be.

ALL above 3 need to happen to form a bad kamma.
Thus, say something you thought was true (with no bad intention) but turned out to be false due to everything are conditionally arises/ceases, is not a bad kamma, and you do not break the precept.

However, a note here - are you sure "your thought were true", were your intention sincere? were your intention compassionate? were your intention good for you and others (both)?

Referring to Dhammapada 1st verse : Mind is the chief forerunner of all evil states. Experiences are led by and produced chiefly by the mind. If one speaks or acts with a corrupted impure mind, Suffering will follows just like the wheel of an ox-cart when the ox pulls.


You should not say things which will turn out to be false or is false intentionally. However if you have said something which turned out to be false unintentionally then it is alright. Honesty and integrity are the hallmarks of the followers of Buddha.
Sometimes a person is a pathological liar... he doesn’t know that he is lying... he believes that whatever he is saying is true. In such cases it is necessary to reprimand him so that he doesn’t get into or put others into big can call lying intentionally as bad karma ...


No. When it comes to lying, bad karma is not related to the actual truthfulness of what was said.

Rather, it comes from intention. Speaking the untruth intentionally is bad karma and a violation of one of the five precepts. Please see this answer for more details.

From Nibbedhika Sutta:

Intention, I tell you, is kamma. Intending, one does kamma by way of body, speech, & intellect.

From Iti 25:

This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, so I have heard: "For the person who transgresses in one thing, I tell you, there is no evil deed that is not to be done. Which one thing? This: telling a deliberate lie."

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