If teacher punishing student is also supposed bad karma?


Accepted answer

Buddha did not do any violence. The suttas say:

it is true, Kesi, that it's not proper for a Tathagata to take life. But if a tamable person doesn't submit either to a mild training or to a harsh training or to a mild & harsh training, then the Tathagata doesn't regard him as being worth speaking to or admonishing.


Once a general asked buddha shouldnt criminals be punished The Buddha replied: "He who deserves punishment must be punished, and he who is worthy of favor must be favored. Yet at the same time he teaches to do no injury to any living being but to be full of love and kindness. These injunctions are not contradictory, for whosoever must be punished for the crimes which he has committed, suffers his injury not through the ill-will of the judge but on account of his evil-doing. His own acts have brought upon him the injury that the executer of the law inflicts. When a magistrate punishes, let him not harbor hatred in his breast, yet a murderer, when put do death, should consider that this is the fruit of his own act. As soon as he will understand that the punishment will purify his soul, he will no longer lament his fate but rejoice at it."


If teacher punishing student is also supposed bad karma?

It depends on thoughts Chethanaham bikkawe kamman wadami (question on this can be found here). And only teacher knows what kind of thoughts were on his mind at that time.

Either school teacher or Buddhist teacher in monastery, if they would punish their students is also supposed bad karma even if it cause of bad behavior of students?

As said above, it doesn't matter from the student's side, it matters from teacher's side, because he owns his karma as a return to his own actions.


We donot know karma and it's fruit. We aren't buddha. So this question is not right . If I give any answer for this question. I will give wrong answer beacuse I do not know karma.. I gave answer from memory. Book memory . Buddha memory.. Memory can not give right answer. My experience not book answer . If I punish any student..if I feel guilt for punishment. This is Not right. This is my anger. Angry man can't kind speech. This is voilence both inner voilence and outer voilence for students.


It depends on how you punish. Buddha also punished.


"If a tamable person doesn't submit either to a mild training or to a harsh training or to a mild & harsh training, then I kill him, Kesi."


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