Is this a statue of a six-armed wooden Buddha?


Basically in all south Asian countries Buddhism & Hinduism are the same, which is why Buddhism & Hinduism do not coexist as major religions in any Asian country. At a time in history, the ruling classes chose one of them. Each religion shares the same ideas & images in the social or cultural contexrt. Thus multi-armed deities (e.g., Brahma & Vishnu), bodhisattva and Buddhas can be found in many places and will generally have the same meaning.

As for the picture, it looks Indonesian, possibly Balinese (but I could be wrong).


"Buddha statues generally show a particular Mudra (a Sanskrit word) or hand gesture."

~ Cited from: Buddha Statue Mudras

  • Bhumi Sparsha Mudra
  • Samadhi / Dhyana Mudra
  • Abhaya Mudra
  • Dharma Chakra Mudra
  • Vitarka Mudra
  • Vajira Mudra
  • Uttara Bodhi Mudra

Apart from the above listed Mudras there can be a combination of two Mudras or a variation of a Mudra depicted in a statue of Lord Buddha. For example the below statue of Lord Buddha depicts a variation of Abhaya Mudra.

enter image description here

~ Image source: Wikipedia

Since the statue you've shown doesn't depict any of the known Mudras, there is a high possibility of being that is not a statue of Lord Buddha.

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