How to get rid of thoughts of grandiosness?


Accepted answer

Satipattana meditation is what you should practice. If you are feeling proud, simply note it until it goes away. Ex: Proud... proud... proud... or expecting... expecting... expecting... or thinking... thinking... thinking...

If you start to get worried, do the same: worrying... worrying.. worrying...

You just need to keep noting using a word that best describes what is happening at the present moment


from my own experience with mindfulness meditation over past 10 months (and a slightly longer interest in zen buddhism and Jungian psychology), I can understand what is your struggle.

Accepting and understanding my own self pity, hatered and anger was a big step for me, yet it has opened me to a completely new set of aspects of my personality that were hiding in the background, undeveloped and a little bit scary at first.

But frankly, is there something that worries you about your thoughts of becoming something greater? Is it possible that you are not used to be someone better? Or that you are angry about these thoughts? That you pity yourself because your progress was undermined by these new emotions?

For me it was exactly this. So I took a step back because I found myself in the power of emotions I was originaly trying to understand.

The great thing about mindfulness meditation is that we are able to notice all of these emotions and thoughts (even grandiosness), understand why they appeared, cherish them for a short time and let them go.

I wish you a lovely day!


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