Can anyone give me a suggestion of a good monk to learn Buddhism?


For samatha; Ajahn Brahm, Ajahn Sujato, Ajahn Kalyano, Ajahn Anan (EN)

In general the TFT seems to have a strong samatha training.

For mindfulness, ardency, alertness & discipline; Ven. Yuttadhamma

For wisdom; Imho you need to do your own analysis but you can entertain the ideas of the manyfold various teachers until you make up your mind in regards to the points of controversy.

For the more doctrinally accurate translations; Ajahn Thanissaro

Foremost pleasant translations; Bhikkhu Bodhi

There are many other monks who all have their own relative good qualities but these stand out as specialists in those particular fields as far as i can tell.



There are so many but just off the top of my head, Bhante Bodhidhamma is good for students that are a bit advanced & Bhante Yuttadhammo has a Youtube channel that I think works quite well. You might not think that a monk with a Youtube channel would work but he makes it work for beginners.

Teacher monastics no longer with us:

Ayya Khema, Ajahn Chah, Pema Chodron, Mahasi Sayadaw and Dogen are all examples of very skilled teachers each with their own unique yet appropriately conforming approaches.


For the doctrinal/technical side of the Teaching, you can't go wrong with Bhikkhu Bodhi. He actually live streams his courses from Chuang Yen monastery every Saturday morning US Eastern time at 10 AM. Simply go to and type: "chuang yen". Also check out his excellent book In the Buddha's Words

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