If a monk sees a pin in his path, will he step on it and accept pain?


When Wisdom is gained through the practice of insight meditation one learns to navigate more skillfully in Samsara, i.e. to reduce the amount of suffering for oneself and others, through wholesome/skillful deeds, motivated by wholesome intentions.

Skillful action would not be to purposely inflict suffering onto oneself.


If that Monk have common sense he will avoid the pin. no one will accept intentional self pain. if he cannot avoid the pain he will accept it.


A Monk trains himself in sila (moral discipline), which includes not intentionally hurting living beings. Since he himself is a living being, he should respect and protect his life as he would others.


I have not read in original Buddhism we learn to see everything from bare prospect and don't judge anything (apart from possibly one popular yet questionable teaching, at this link).

Buddhism teaches, about all things experienced by the senses, their origination, passing away, attraction, danger & escape from their danger should be comprehended (at this link).

...discern, as they actually are present, the origination, the passing away, the allure, the drawback and the escape from the six spheres of contact.

Punna Sutta


What would the monk be accepting? The monk would likely accept walking around the pin. A well practiced monk knows the appropriate path isn't always the intended path. The path a well practiced monk trys to make is the most appropriate path and not necessarily someone else's idea of an appropriate path.

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