How to pronounce Ksana?


I assume you are looking for a sound ...saaa...shaa sana ksana k is like shhh..


刹那 chànà क्षण kṣaṇa. An indefinite space of time, a moment, an instant; the shortest measure of time, as kalpa is the longest; it is defined as 一念 a thought; but according to another definition 60 kṣaṇa equal one finger-snap, 90 a thought 念, 4,500 a minute; there are other definitions. In each kṣaṇa 900 persons are born and die.


You can find a pronunciation example of "kṣa" in kṣaṇa (क्षण), in this video at the timestamp already part of the URL, which is 15:50.

In that example, he speaks kṣaya (क्षय).

Upvote:1 says,

क्षण    kṣaṇa   m. n.   moment


In Hindi, it's क्षण which you pronounce like the English word Shun.

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