Do red cross signs on the street mean I am not allowed to drive into this alley in Seattle?


Accepted answer

The important point here is that the alley in question does not go through. It's blocked off on one end by a fence. It's also very narrow, and might be narrowed further by garbage cans and other obstacles.

I don't know who put the red X's there or why. That's not a standard traffic marking and carries no legal meaning. But it does a pretty good job of indicating that no good comes from driving into there unless you know what you're doing. Driving in there leaves you in a (literally) tight spot where you have to back up a long way in a narrow space and reverse over a sidewalk and (awful) bike lane to get out. It's possible someone put the X's there to try to deter people from randomly driving in, not because it's a legal street marking, but because it doesn't go through, and they were tired of random drivers blocking up their alley or parking illegally.

Finally, one other key detail: this alley is behind a police station. While I can't see any legal signage on Street View prohibiting you from driving into it, the police next door may wonder what you're up to, and may be unamused if you're driving into a dead-end alley next to their station without any apparent lawful purpose.

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