Visa applications requiring certified bank statements within a recent period


Accepted answer

Does it in any way help if I, as the boyfriend, gets a digital certified bank statement and we apply with my as an economical sponsor?

No, it won't, a visa applicant must always submit their own bank statements even if sponsored

What on earth do you do in a situation like this?

Get a hold of the SA embassy in the Philippines, as this is obviously a case of differing local customs and regulations, the contacts are on the page (if you need to phone them, the consular section is only open between 8:30 and 12:30 Filipino time which corresponds to 4:30am-8:30am Dubai time).

If that isn't fructious, contact the SA consulate in Dubai to see if they could bend the rule and allow you to apply more than 1 month early at [email protected] (you can't phone them about visas)

Maybe the visa immigration office don't really care about these details?

Never assume that they don't care

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