If I bring travellers cheques will it work and if so how much money will I need for 7 days in Italy?


Not having a bank account isn't an issue while you are in Europe. However, assuming you are a Pakistani national, you will need to apply for a visa, which will include providing your financial details. Not having a bank account may be a red flag in the visa process.

While you are in Europe your problem will be be not having a credit card. Having a credit card (or debit card) is considered normal in Europe, and not having one is going to place you at a disadvantage, though not necessarily an insurmountable one. (If bizarrely you have a credit card but no bank account, just use that for everything).

Not having a credit card will make it difficult for you to book an airline ticket. You will need to do this through a travel agent rather than with an airline, so you can hand over cash.

In Europe most hotels will ask for a credit card, and if you don't have one may ask you to pay in advance. It will be more diffcult to reserve a hotel in advance without a credit card. Some hotels won't do it, some might insist that you arrive before a certain time to confirm your reservation in person. Other major purchases like train tickets will be more complicated, and require you to do them in person. Don't even think about trying to rent a car.

Travellers cheques, while once popular, are now extremely unpopular because they are easy to forge. You can no longer use them as a cash substitute - you will need to go to a bank and exchange them, bringing official photo id with you, and taking substantial time. They are better than cash in that if they are lost or stolen you can get the money replaced, but you will need to exchange them periodically for local cash and use that.

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