UK Visit Visa Refused


In your previous question you said that the ECO suggested you meet in some third country. Reading the documents you have reproduced here I can understand why. The interview process can be stressful for those not used to it, but even so, your mother has dug herself a huge hole.

The ECO clearly now considers your mother's chances of success to be vanishingly small. This is not a problem that will be resolved by strangers on the internet. If your mother is to visit the UK she will need expert help, and this will be expensive. This page could help you find an immigration lawyer.

Alternatively, take the ECO's advice and meet in a third country. See this answer to your previous question for suggestions


It seems pretty clear to me why she was refused: She was inconsistent and could not coherently answer questions regarding the basic family situation.

A. Her not staying with him raises a HUGE red flag. If I hadn't seen my mother for 9 or so years I would want her in my home with me.

B. "When did your son apply for his four children to go to the UK? I don’t know. He was saying that he was trying but I don’t know what for." How did she not know that?

There are many inconsistencies with her story and the officer clearly states what they are in his refusal letter. You need to sit with your mother and have her get the facts straight before you go applying for another visa. No one here can tell you what to do to guarantee that issuance of a visa, but having a coherent story with documentation to back that up is a decent start.

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