How to re-apply after refusals for both settlement and visitor visas?


I doubt you have much chance of getting a visitor visa. By applying for a settlement visa, you've told the UK that you're really enthusiastic about spending the rest of your life there and you're prepared to give up everything you have in your home country to achieve that. Now, you're saying "Please let me in for six weeks and I promise I'll leave." There are basically two kinds of people in your situation:

  1. people who will leave after six weeks because they respect the law and don't want to ruin their chances of living permanently in the UK;

  2. people who will use any possible way of coming into the UK and then try to stay forever.

Unfortunately, immigration officers have no way of telling which kind of person you are because all the evidence says that you want to and are able to stay in the UK forever, and there isn't really any evidence you can give to prove that you're in groupΒ 1. All you can do is promise you'll leave, but people in groupΒ 2 would also do that.

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