Yes, as long as the D-visa is valid, you can travel to other Schengen countries.
Since it is a single entry visa, you are however not allowed to leave and reenter the Schengen are, but must stay within.
Only if your visa is really a schengen visa ( not national level ) AND it is schengen USV ( Uniform Schengen Visa ) and not LTV ( Limited territorial validity ).
You should be able to check on your visa if there are any restrictions specifically written on it and what type it is .
If the valid for' field says something like
etats schengen(french ) or
schengen states(english) or
schengenstaten` (german) or any otheer language variant and nothing else then it should be a USV. the
If the field has something like a state name, or state code, or multiple entries ( for example D-EE-P
, or -ES
or D-P-F-I-LT
) or any other remark / restriction - you should check the individual exception .