UK Visa refusal.. what do I do?


I can't identify the paragraphs you say you were refused under, but I suspect you actually mean Appendix V Para 4.2(a) and (e), which require you to establish that you will leave at the end of your visit, and that you have enough funds.

The ECO hasn't said it in so many words, but he believes you were working illegally during your 107 day visit. This is a serious problem for you to overcome if you're going to get a visitor visa any time soon.

If you are to apply again you will need to explain exactly what you were doing for 107 days and why, and provide supporting documentation if at all possible.

You will also need to document exactly where and how you obtained the funds for that trip, and for the trip you propose to make this year. You should include any and all bank statements that are pertinent.

It's not clear from your post whether the ECO is aware that you intend to return to study in October. Assuming that he is, you will need to come up with some convincing reason why you will return to Nigeria in July, only to return in October, a period not dissimilar in length to the 107 days.

You should be aware that a second refusal could adversely affect any future visa applications, including the study visa you will need in October. Consider whether your girlfriend's graduation is worth the possible risk to your studies.

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