Refusal of a visit visa to the UK


Accepted answer

Yes, you can apply again, and I believe there's no limit to how many times you can apply for a UK visa unless there's a ban.

  • Make another application and pay
  • Present your proof / documents again but get new and better documents if possible (remember you want this to be presented and understood better that your previous application, make sure it makes sense to you and get someone else to have a look)
  • Refer to your previous application, point out their mistakes or what information they have overlooked in your previous application. Do not be aggressive or rude, simply provide, for each point in the rejection letter what they have overlooked and why they are wrong. Refer to new document if you have provided any.
  • I like to always provide an itinerary of my visit, you can do the same. it shows you have a plan.

  • Let them know you have an interest back home that will make you return (you don't have to say it verbatim, but provide a hint)

Good luck.

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