2 Hours transit in Paris Charles de Gaulle (From USA to Spain)


As both France and Spain are in the Schengen Area, you will go through immigration (passport control) in Paris, and will enter France exactly as if it was your final destination.

You may thus be asked for those documents at that time, as well as before boarding.

The documents can be downloaded here: https://mobile.interieur.gouv.fr/Actualites/L-actu-du-Ministere/Attestation-de-deplacement-et-de-voyage (scroll down to “Attestation de déplacement dérogatoire vers la France métropolitaine depuis les pays tiers et déclaration sur l'honneur”, it’s a single file containing both). You should tick the second item in the list as you are an EU national in transit to your country of nationality.

As you are coming from the US you also need a certificate of a negative Covid test taken in the last 72 hours.

Some sources indicate that you also have to undergo a test on arrival, though I have no idea about the details for that, or if that’s in addition to the negative test prior to boarding.

The 2 hour transit may be a bit short if that is the case.

Official info: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/coronavirus-advice-for-foreign-nationals-in-france/

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