I have heard that I can travel only if my residence card expires in 6 months. Is this true?
No, it is not true.
The Schengen Borders Code (Articles 6 and 8) stipulates only that a residence permit must be valid and that this must be checked.
It does not state that it must be valid for a specific time on the date of entry.
Article 6
Entry conditions for third-country nationals
1 (b) they are in possession of a valid visa, if required pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 ( 1 ), except where they hold a valid residence permit or a valid long-stay visa;
Article 8
Border checks on persons
3. thorough checks as follows:
(a) thorough checks on entry shall comprise verification of the conditions governing entry laid down in Article 6(1) and, where applicable, of documents authorising residence and the pursuit of a professional activity. This shall include a detailed examination covering the following aspects:
(ii) verification that the travel document is accompanied, where applicable, by the requisite visa or residence permit;