Emirates OK to Board


Accepted answer

“Ok to Board” is a process to authenticate UAE visas for some customers from the South Asia subcontinent. It’s not relevant to your situation. I doubt you’ll get confirmation from Emirates prior to check-in given that airline T&C normally state that travel documents are the passenger’s responsibility.

You mention in a comment that Timatic (the system used by airlines) shows you have the correct travel documentation to enter Croatia, so you are good to go.


From Quora: What does ECR and ECNR mean on an Indian passport, it seems a measure to protect Indian people (and other countries) from being exploited. It happens on some countries, where people passport is taken away from the company one work, so he become nearly a slave.

If you are required to do it (see the condition) you must obey. You are travelling to Europe, so you should have no problem to get the "OK", but anyway Indian authorities want to check. It doesn't matter if you get automatically the OK, if you are required to apply for the "OK to travel" you must comply it.

Note: this is not about Croatia (and so about your visa), but it is about India or Pakistan permission to travel. Without the OK, Emirates cannot board you. ECR stamp is printed by Indian (or Pakistan) authorities.

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