Regarding ratings of hotel


Accepted answer

Difficult to be sure but IMHO 4 stars seems unlikely to be accurate if comparing worldwide. There appears to be no universal standard for hotel ratings The higher star ratings typically indicate greater luxury, a wider range of facilities, and good/excellent overall guest services. On for countries where there’s no official system it seems that stars are ‘self-selected by properties during the sign-up process’ Sri Lanka appears to classify properties by type rather than by star therefore it’s impossible to say whether a 2 star or 4 star rating is ‘’correct’.


There's no common standard being established internationally on the hotel star's rating.

Each country establishes its own star rating process and implemented it through associations or through government departments.

Having said that, the star ratings still serve as a good guideline for one to choose a hotel.

In your case, I believe the star rated reported on Google was submitted by the hotel through Google Business listing.

On top of star rating, I would suggest to check out third-party review sites. E.g. TrustPilot

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