It shouldn't be much of a concern for your trip since it is a lot of rubbish posted online. The criminalization does happen but it is extremely rare. Places like Jakarta and Bali are fine to go and since you are both Chinese citizens, it won't really matter much since they don't bother tourists much. If anything were to happen, it would usually be them mistaking your female partner are a Muslim.
IMPORTANT NOTE: DON'T VISIT ACEH. It will be the worst place for you and your partner to go to since you are both not married. At ACEH, they still practice The Sharia law. They also have religious police force enforcing the local law in a strict manner. An Indonesian couple was nearly thrown to jail because they didn't bring along their wedding certificate while traveling to Aceh.
Tips: Just to make your trip a lot easier and make it hassle-free, just say that you are both married. It makes your life a lot easier.