Visa for Tanzania, Africa and visa runs


Accepted answer

In Tanzania there are two ways to get a work visa from immigration. One is to apply before arriving. In general, immigration will not approve applications for work visa if you are already in the country on a tourist visa. The second way (which a friend of mine tried recently and surprisingly it worked) is to apply at the airport upon arrival. This means waiting to get your visa until you actually arrive in Tanzania. On the visa application at the airport there is a box to check which type of visa you are requesting. Tell the immigration official that you want to start up a business in Tanzania. I believe the cost of this visa is $250 and is good for either 6 months or a year.


That's a famously bad idea.


  • It's illegal. Working without a work visa
  • It puts you in a very precarious situation. All that's required to jeopardize your stay is a suspicious immigration officer. Since you probably can get a visa on arrival, you're at the mercy of the immigration services every time you cross the border. And if you need to apply for a visa from a Consulate, it's even worse.
  • There's no better way to be red-flagged as an illegal "casual" worker than stay the full duration of your visa every time, and repeat that continuously.
  • If you are planning to do border runs, coming to Tanzania from five of its neighbouring countries requires a yellow fever vaccination. Ouch.
  • The population's attitude towards LGBT could put you in danger if you're heterosexual (not making any judgment or assumption here).

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