Which sub-type should I choose for a Standard Visitor visa and when will it expire?


Nice observation! This is a 'known problem' within UKVI that the online form did not sync up after the rule change last April.

Regardless of what you enter, your application will be considered against Appendix V of the rules and if you are successful, you will receive a 'standard visitor visa' (or to be exact, 'entry clearance').

Based upon what you wrote, you can fill out the form like this...

enter image description here

or like this...

enter image description here

Both options amount to the same thing. You can select the one that states your case best if you want.

The second question is that shall I choose "6 months" or "Long term"?

They will issue you a 6 month visa regardless of what you choose. Qualifying for a long-term visa is a difficult ordeal requiring a lengthy history of travel to the UK and an on-going premise. Two visits does not qualify as a premise. Note: they will keep the difference in fees.

The last question is that shall I provide details for both visits or simply the first one.

Provide all the details. For a start date, select the date for which both events are in the same 6 month period and explain both events. If both of your planned events are not in the same 6 month window, you will have to make two applications. They will not, for example, issue a 7 month or 8 month visa.

Note: UKVI may fix this problem on their site next May. Or they may not.

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