Schengen Visa Decision - Consulate took passport - does that mean it's approved?


Accepted answer

No. With Schengen visa applications, retaining your passport does not provide any guidance as to whether the visa will be issued or not. You will only learn of the decision when you receive your passport either with the visas affixed or typically with a generic notice why the application was rejected.

With American consulars on the other hand, holding on to your passport typically means your visa is going to be issued because with a rejection your passport is returned right at the interview.

It is recommended you apply for visas with ample time before your departure (up to three months) so that the timing of issue does not impact your travel. Embassies try within reason to accommodate and expedite last minute requests, however it is at their discretion.

My response is based on personal experience with multiple Schengen visa applications over a period of several years.

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