Can I travel to the USA, in transit to a different country, without a flight back to my own country?


Accepted answer

As long as you have proof of exit from the US, that is all US customs and immigration will care about.

I think you can safely relax and go through the normal shuffle of collecting your bags and rechecking them in for your onward flight, etc.


I did this twice last week via the USA (two separate tickets, one from Ireland to Brazil and the other from Argentina to Norway; none of these are my country of residence). As soon as I said "In transit toβ€”" the CBP guy stopped listening and stamped me in. No one was interested in my onward travel plans, although the first guy wanted to have a chat about Brazil. I travelled on a British passport.

Interesting the first guy gave me one day only in the stamp, the second guy gave me the full ninety days.

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