Two passports, one reported "lost". Can I still travel on it?


That seems to be a general misconception; you are not travelling 'on a passport', you are travelling as 'a person'. All historic events, overstays, visa, crimes, etc. are recorded for the person, not for the passport; the passport is just a tool to identify you as a person. In other words, you don't get to start over by getting a new passport.

As a consequence, travelling on an invalid passport is illegal, and might get you rejected/turned around, fined, or jailed, depending on the country and maybe the mood of the immigration personal. Most countries consider it a crime or misdemeanor to use invalid identification, and it will probably ban you from ever getting a visa to any country at all - nobody trusts someone that used a fake identity. You could even end up being jailed as using a stolen passport, and your embassy might be of little help, except transfer you to a jail at home.
Of course, you could be lucky and nothing happens, because they don't realize it. Probably not advisable to try.

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