Can I expect problems after entering Schengen through main destination but leaving from another state?


Accepted answer

This will be absolutely fine. When you apply for the visa you should share your planned itinerary, but this can change afterwards (as seems to be the case for you). If your plans had changed hugely (say, you applied for a visa to attend a conference in Spain, then tried to use it to go on holiday in Finland), you could expect to have problems. This isn't the case for you.

You've applied for and received a visa to attend a conference in Spain. Your plans have changed somewhat, but Spain is still your primary destination (your main purpose is attending the conference in Spain, and you're spending longer in Spain than in any other country). If you're asked whether your plans have changed, you can answer honestly that since applying for the visa you have added a meeting to your schedule after the conference - this is a fairly regular occurrence for people travelling for business purposes and won't cause you any problems. There's nothing unusual about leaving the Schengen zone from a different country than where you arrived - you might face questions if the country issuing your visa were far away from both arrival and departure points (say, arriving in Spain and leaving from France on a Latvian-issued visa), but after arriving in Spain on a Spanish visa you don't need to worry about that. You'll have no trouble entering or leaving the Schengen zone.

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