Can I extend/apply Schengen visa while in Switzerland?


Accepted answer
  1. A type C visa can only be extended in the case of force majeure, for humanitarian reasons, or if you can show "serious personal reasons". A general desire to tourist around will not count as "serious personal reasons", so this possibility is not open to you.

  2. As far as I understand the rules, the embassy/consulate of another Schengen state in Switzerland will be allowed to entertain an application for a new visa from you (since even if you're not "resident" in Switzerland, you're "legally present" there), if you can justify to that consulate that it's impossible for you to apply in time from your home country -- which it is.

    However, getting such an application approved will probably be an uphill battle. You still need to document all of the usual visa conditions -- in particular you need to document ties to your home country that will motivate you to go there after your proposed travel ends. Seeing that whatever ties you have don't motivate you to return home immediately after your studies end, this could very well become a sticking point.

  3. Whether you can get your D visa extended depends on Swiss national legislation, which I don't know much about. Immediately, however, it looks like this could be your best bet.

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