Taxi or bus from Rabat to Marrakech


Train from Rabat to Marrakech

The Supratours website quotes 120 MAD to get from Rabat, be it Ville or Agdal, to Marrakech by direct train, for a journey of approximately 5 hours:

Supratours Rabat to Marrakech

The quote is also confirmed by the OCNF website (select departure and arrival stations to get a quote):

OCNF Rabat to Marrakech

There Are No Buses Between Rabat and Marrakech

Moreover, there seem to be no bus service between Rabat and Marrakech (since these two cities are linked by train):

No Buses Rabat/Marrakech

Taxi from Rabat to Marrakech

IMHO you are unlikely to find a definitive valid quote online for a grand taxi service from Rabat to Marrakech. This is ever more true since taxi fares are often subject to (strong) haggling. Nevertheless I found a website quoting 192 EUR for three passengers:

Taxi Rabat to Marrakech

All the quoted prices are valid as of the 22nd of December 2015.


Edit (after the origin city was updated by OP):

Train fares can be found on the ONCF website, but can't be linked to. On this page, there's a "Prix & Reservation" in the left column, where you can search for fares. Rabat to Marrakech is 120 Dirham.


That sounds rather low. Could it be the price per person, as opposed to the price per taxi? A train from Fez go Marrakech on ONCF costs 195 per person.

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