Very short Schengen visa


Accepted answer

Sounds exactly the same as I heard from friends - showed three day return tickets for Canary Islands and received three day visas from Spain. I would not expect EU embassies to give longer visas than the return tickets, unless more proof or an explanation or a good EU travel history is provided. I think this is fair.

Please ensure that you take proactive steps as soon as you are informed of any flight delays. You would not want an overstay stamp on your passport!


Save the email ID of the embassy. If your flight is delayed beyond midnight, send an email to embassy. Then show the email to the exit immigration officer and request not to put an overstay stamp on your passport. Then for future visa applications, attach a printout of the email showing that "unstamped overstay" was due to aeroplane delay and had been immediately informed to the embassy.

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