Can visitors rent electric scooters (motorcycles) in Taiwan with foreign drivers licenses?


Like everything in Taiwan, getting a bank account, a mobile phone plan, a credit card as a foreigner you will be told "No" for most things you ask to do. If you telegraph the answer as no, they will tell you no, if you telegraph a yes, and give a big smile and catch the right worker on a good day the answer will be yes.

I've rented many scooters on my UK driving license. For things like renting a car, they will ask you if you have an "international Driving license". Legally there is no such thing as an international driving license (the rental companies in Taiwan pretend there is and you should too). You can easily find a template of one online, print it off and add your license details to it. Legally, you're allowed to drive in another country for a number of weeks depending on reciprocity.

If the US lets Taiwan license holders drive in the US for a certain number of months then US license holders can drive in Taiwan for the same number of months.

If you want to rent a gogoro type you can try this website.

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