Layover at DEL T3 Holiday Inn


Accepted answer

You shouldn't be worried about it much. There will be a Holiday Inn guy who would be waiting for you at the arrivals. Either he will lead you to the hotel or direct you to the desk, where another person will lead you to the hotel.

If you are departing on a domestic flight, not sure if Kathmandu is domestic or international, it is really a twisty way as you will sort of exit security and get back in. I did it once an it was really a pain, but the Holiday Inn guy was there with me and it helped. Same when you exit the hotel to catch your flight. Another Holiday Inn guy will lead you back to the terminals. Everything is inside the airport and you never exit. And they will guide you where to find the next Holiday Inn person or the hotel.

I have done it twice now and twice I have found the Holiday Inn guy at the arrivals and before you reach immigration.

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