How can you more deeply research B&Bs and resorts in Canada?


To find places, I've had success with finding places via Despite the "90s" look of the website, the information does seem to be accurate, up-to-date, and with more smaller places listed than anywhere else I've looked.

To find objective reviews, given the small size of B&Bs and their low volume of business compared to traditional hotels, I doubt there is a centralized objective source - you'll have to look at several things, such as:

  • The CAA has lists of recommended hotels (e.g. see ), it may include some smaller places
  • Sites like have some reviews, but they tend to be biased to the positive side ("testimonials" from happy customers, not reviews)
  • reviews
  • Some places may even have ratings on Yelp, Google+, etc.
  • Perhaps local chambers of commerce, city hall websites, tourism board websites, etc have recommendations?

Also, hotels/B&Bs that have a highway sign (see ) must meet certain quality standards before being allowed a sign, so this may be an indication as well. However, as far as I know these criteria have more to do with "playing well within the tourism industry" than your actual guest experience.

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