Buying Interrail pass abroad without passport


Accepted answer

First, you usually need a passport or national ID to get on the plane (using web check-in you might get around that, depending on airport, airline and boarding procedure details).


Even if you don't need a passport for border checks within the Schengen area, it is still always highly recommended to take a passport or ID card with you, so you can prove your identity if needed (if stopped by police, boarding a plane, etc.). Schengen EU countries have the possibility of adopting national rules obliging you to hold or carry papers and documents when you are present on their territory. Driving licences, post, bank or tax cards are not accepted as valid travel documents or proof of identity.


Secondly, as explained on the web site:

An InterRail pass is strictly personal, non-transferable and valid only upon presentation of a passport or other recognised travel identification document. If you travel without a passport or a legal equivalent to be presented together with the pass, you risk payment of a full-fare ticket and a fine.

Train staff usually checks not only your Interrail ticket but also that your passport or national ID's document number is the one shown on your ticket. Some train staff may accept a printed-out copy, possibly if you also show your driver's license with matching names, but I wouldn't count on it.

If you have a national ID card, just use that instead, otherwise I'd wait for the passport to arrive, or get an emergency passport for the trip.


When you go to pick up your new passport, ask to keep the old one. They will void it by clipping a corner or punching a hole through it, but that is sufficient to establish the connection between the passport number on the ticket and your identity.

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