Is there a need to declare food for personal use at customs? (in Norway)


Accepted answer

There are different rules depending on wether you bring the food with you when travelling to Norway or if you are already present in Norway and have food shipped from abroad. In the first case, you can with the exceptions you have already found (no potatoes, no animal products from outside the EEA), bring up to 10kg food without paying any duties. In the second case, there is no free allowance and you have to pay VAT and potentially other duties based on the total purchase price. It is not really clear from the text, but the web page you are linking to in the question obviously applies to the second case, importing and having food shipped to you in Norway.

As Henrik already mentioned in his comment, I don't see any reason why you should put much effort into labelling zip lock bags. If you want to simplify any potential customs check, you should rather leave all food in its original packaging. If they actually suspect that you are trying to smuggle cocaine, they won't be satisfied with your hand written 'milk powder' label on the bag.

Also remember that it is possible to buy food in Norway. Depending on exactly what you want, prices are not necessarily much higher than abroad either.

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