There's also a bus out to the end of the tram line which can take you in to town. I've used that in the past when needing to get to the train station and onwards.
The shuttle between the Nantes airport (AΓ©roport de Nantes Atlantique, NTE) and the city of Nantes has a price of 9 euros/trip (November 2017). They call it the 'navette aΓ©roport'. The service frequency is 20 minutes, and it takes about 35 minutes to get the airport from the city centre. More (and updated) info can be found here: http://www.nantes.aeroport.fr/acces/navettes \ https://www.tan.fr/fr/menu/se-deplacer/tan/navette-aeroport/ \ https://www.tan.fr/bus-navette-aeroport-14085.kjsp
The 'navette' ticket is NOT included in the tourist pass (https://www.nantes-tourisme.com/fr/visite/pass-nantes) or any other ticket offers (https://www.tan.fr/fr/menu/titres-tarifs/tan/tous-les-tarifs/).
To go to the airport from the city centre, you can also take tramway 3 up to the end of line (Neustrie) and then take bus 48 from there to the airport. It has the same cost as a normal trip.
To sum up: