Do the following and you will be OK.
So disassemble the device completely, and if you bring over 100ml of labeled vape juice, check it in a bag under the plane.
Assuming that if you’ve ever used the vaper with any cannabis related products, if their drug sniffer dog gets a whiff of one or two of certain aromatic molecules, or if on physical inspection their swiper spectrometer rings a bell, expect them to give all of your things a very very thorough inspection. Customs are entirely at liberty to destroy items in order to inspect them and they don’t have to compensate you for damage.
Just as an aside, possession of cannabis and cannabis products carry a five year prison term in the UK — I imagine smuggling charges are higher — and then you get deported and banned. Not worth risking it in my opinion.
All around, it’s often easier to just get a new vaper and juice locally than risk any customs issues.