Going to the USA to visit online friends after a trip to Morocco


Most people go through immigration with a minimum of questions. At some airports, you'll use an electronic kiosk first, then just speak briefly to an officer unless they want to know more. Just be prepared to explain the purpose of your visit, where you're going, where you're staying, etc... If you're asked questions, just tell the truth; you appear to have good ties to your home (and you'd want to be prepared to show adequate financial resources for your trip if asked), and visiting friends is a perfectly acceptable reason to come to the US.

Searches of electronic devices are possible, and increasingly more common, but still quite rare: about 2,500 most months, out of 20+ million arriving travelers. The American Civil Liberties Union has some information and recommendations about such searches, and if you're concerned, minimizing the amount of data you carry is a good suggestion.

A past vacation to Morocco doesn't seem likely to pose an issue either. The US and Morocco are on good terms, and it's a common enough vacation destination that happens to be convenient to Portugal. If you're asked why you were there, you have a simple and easy explanation.

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