Visit France without a hotel booking


People who require a visa have a harder time as they need to submit a lot of information about their financial situation together with the visa application but for people able to travel visa-free (which is the case for citizens of Mauritius), credit card(s) are enough, you're not expected to have cash.

In theory, if you need to prove you have money at your disposal, a bank statement might be enough but I would not expect border guards to check that at all. You (or your friend in this case) might take one with you for peace of mind but do not volunteer this kind of things without being asked.

Having a proper invitation/attestation that you intend to host him or at the very least your contact details would also be useful. That's actually more likely to be checked (because it goes to the purpose of the visit) than the exact amount of money your friend has.

Beyond that dress smartly, be confident, genuine and forthcoming about what you intend to do and everything should be fine.

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