If you are a tourist, the state of emergency may not affect your stay in France expect if matches or stages are cancelled for security reasons. On the other hand, if you are a hooligan, the state of emergy can become your worst nghtmare: avoid France!
You can find the law describing the consequences of the state of emergency of the website The law "Loi n° 55-385 du 3 avril 1955 relative à l'état d'urgence" extends the power of the Department of Homeland Security "Ministère de l'interieur" and chiefs of police "prefet".
In the end, the consequences of the state of emergency are in the hands of the french Departement of Homeland Security. Motiviations to take actions are security and order, and tourists are warmly welcomed in France, including football fans and cyclists. Yet, the state of emergency can be used against holligans or can affect the pleasure of sport fans as matches or stages of the Tour de France could be suppressed as a collateral damage of threats to security and fear of terrorism.
Among the possible consequences of the state of emergency for foreign tourits attending sport events:
For the moment, these prerogatives are mainly used to prevent terrorism, following the attacks of November. Example of use of the state of emergency which can be related to your question:
On the other hand, there are actually demonstrations against the project of law on working conditions and the movement "Nuit Debout" still holds on the Republic Place. Tourist are really welcome in France and Frenchmen are commited to turn the sport events of this summer into safe and joyful celebrations.
Not much. I would expect extensive security measures around these events and that might create delays or inconvenience but that's not related to the state of emergency per se.
Legally speaking, what the state of emergency allows is home searches by the police outside of the regular procedure (i.e. without judicial oversight), forcing named people to present themselves several times a day to the police and a few other things that visitors have no reason to notice.