How to collect online travel information in a book?


Accepted answer

In addition to jpatokal's excellent answer on using MediaWiki's built-in PDF conversion feature, I have a couple of more tips:

  • ANY web page can be converted into a PDF: Use a "virtual" printer such as PrimoPDF (for Windows). This gets installed on your system as a printer device that outputs PDF files, which you can then save.
  • If you have an Amazon Kindle, you transfer these PDFs to carry as a book: Amazon allows you to transfer PDFs to your device either by plugging in over USB to your computer, or using the Kindle Personal Documents service over WhisperSync to transfer files. N.B. Amazon may charge you if the delivery is done over 3G instead of WiFi.
  • Use a note-taking app such as Evernote: Evernote allows you "snip" web pages and annotate them, and has apps for every phone / tablet platform. Unfortunately, the free tier of service does not allow offline syncing so you'll need an Internet connection to access your content, but with the premium service you can store specific notebooks (such as the one for your travel) offline.

Personally, I use a combination of printing out individuals chapters of guides, my Kindle reader, and offline notebooks on Evernote when travelling (I generally use Evernote a lot, so YMMV if you're not used to using note taking apps.)


Like all Mediawiki Foundation wikis (Wikipedia etc), you can "collect" pages on Wikivoyage and turn them into PDFs that can then be professionally printed:

Obviously this is limited to Wikivoyage and Wikipedia, but that's still a pretty good start. See the company behind it, PediaPress, for more info including video tutorials.

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