Bus services between SNCF gare d'Andorre-L'Hospitalet and Pas de la Casa


Accepted answer

The line is currently out of service, but in winter there is a shuttle service operated separately for ski-pass holders (tickets included).


You can reach Andorra from station on a Grup Montmantell coach. (This line is currently out of service)

During the winter ski season, there is a shuttle service between L’Hospitalet and Pas de la Casa for skiers.

There is also a taxi service between L’Hospitalet and Andorra: Taxi l’Hospitalet (+33) 0561 644 714; Taxi Pas de la Casa (+376) 856 255.

This is also confirmed by an email response in a TripAdvisor thread:

Good afternoon,

I am afraid the bus from Hospitalet-près-l’Andorre to Andorra is not available anymore. The company cancelled it and it hasn’t been re-taken so far.

When arriving at the train station in Hospitalet, you have the option to call a taxi to go to Pas de la Casa, and then, from there, you can take a bus to Andorra la Vella.

Taxis prices are approximately 30 euros. The bus from Pas de la Casa to Andorra la Vella is a 6,80 euros ticket.

Here are the phone numbers of the taxis’ companies:

Taxis Pas de la Casa: Taxi Altitud Pas (TAP) (00376) 856 255.

Taxis Hospitalet: (0033) 5 61 64 47 14.

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