How do I get to Cape Canaveral from Orlando?


Accepted answer

The Kennedy Space Center is located just north of Cape Canaveral, and is definitely worth a visit.

The best time to visit is obviously when there is a launch occurring at Cape Canaveral. The Space Shuttles may no longer be flying, but there are still regular rocket launches (the next occurring in just over a day!), however it's still worth going at any time.

There are bus tours available - I can't recommend any as I've never been on one although Google finds several including this one - but I would strongly recommend renting a car. Not only will this give you much more flexibility both around time and exactly where you go, but it'll probably work out to be cheaper, especially if there's more than one of you. Orlando is the biggest rental car market in the world, so it's not hard to rent there!

There is no public transport to KSC.

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