Is the space in front of the first seat row in the middle of a cabin meant as a public passage?


Accepted answer

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Do you mean like this image?

I can't find anything that describes this as a passageway. However I also can't find any rule that say someone can't walk through this space. I think if they were bothering you, then you did the right thing telling them as much.

However on a number of seating plans this space is marked clearly with a 'pram' symbol. Which does suggest that it is not intended to be used as a shortcut. I would think it would be unlikely they would allow prams to block a passage however as this could cause problems during an evacuation.


As others have noted it depends on the space involved. In many aircraft it is used as a cross passage if there is space beyond extended legs. In your circumstances where there was obviously a tight squeeze after the bassinet was mounted the logical solution was to advise flight stewards of your concern. You said cabin crew did not intervene. If you did not ask them to act they were probably either unaware or unconcerned. On my visit to China I found the locals have a very different concept of personal space; not surprising in a crowded population of 1.4 billion.

I have never heard or read an official announcement on the subject.

If you are in that situation in the future make your concern very clear to the cabin crew.

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